Today lesson-soooo fun

Today lesson on English and Science on school was soooo fun. We went through our science correction and my teacher tell us a story about Ali Baba. That was great. The creator of this story really have brains like me. We have 2 long and fun hours of English and Science lesson.

My teacher brought photograph that shows african people dying out of hunger. I NEARLY cried. We have a boring lesson for math and Mother Tongue. As time pass, I heard that many people from our school is suffering from HAND, FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE (HFMD) OMG!!!! I also heard that it came from our GREAT rugby team that won a silver medal. Somebody in the field had HFMD (he is our star-player name Shahiful) They came back with rashes. In the afternoon, my friend SMS me that he is not able to attend school cos' he have HFMD.


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